– The Gateway to Vietnamese Community of Philadelphia

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2024 National Vietnam War Veterans Day at Penn's Landing

2014 Lễ Giỗ Hai Bà Trưng (Hội Phụ Nữ Đông Bắc Hoa Kỳ)

50 Năm Tưởng Niệm Hải Chiến Hoàng Sa Tại Chùa Bồ Đề, Philadelphia

Semper Fidelis

It is our duty to remember and honor the memory of 648 Philadelphia sons who had paid their ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. The Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial is an integral part of our Republic of South Vietnam Memorial.
Let us do our part to help restore the dignity and honor of this place.

Semper Fidelis

I am a Vietnam vet who wishes to be “Always Faithful.”
Being here with my fallen brothers, I received an earful.
They whispered in my ear as I caressed their names.
I felt their comfort, “The loss is greater for those who remain.”

Dying for our country, our brothers, for what is right
Nothing is nobler and worthier to sacrifice.
Living each day with the pain, the horror, the memory;
It is much harder for us whose names are on “The Wall” – to see.

“Each weed I pull, every tear I shed, is the least I can do
To be faithful to the memories I have of each of you.
The loss and pain I bear are the prices of surviving.
Wouldn’t it be worthier had I also died in the battle fight?”

I will not betray your memory or neglect the Memorial’s care
It’s the reason I must come down from my wheeling chair
To get my hands dirty so I can reclaim my dignity
For each of you who gave it all, so others can live theirs free.

You have gone to a place where suffering ends,
Leaving us who remain bearing our battle wounds that never mend.
The Vietnam War had ended, but we are always our brothers’ keepers.
My name won’t be on this Wall, but abandoning you – Never!


I was seeing Dennis B. – a U.S. Marine who lost both legs in the Vietnam War, participating in the Annual Memorial Spring Cleaning on April 6, 2021. I snapped a photo of him as it was such a heart-wrenching moment to see a disabled Marine expressing his Semper Fidelis. I felt the presence of the 648 names on “The Wall,” who also uttered, “Poor Dennis!”

In tribute to all who gave their lives for our freedom
The Vietnamese American Community of Philadelphia
Jim Huynh – April 6, 2021